Monday, 27 April 2009

teaaaatime benardd

i seem to be drinking like, 8 cups of tea a day these days.
and the worse part is:
i am one of those people who is OCD about their teeth.
the white, the cleanliness, the straightness, the sustainability.
i love it all
therefore, to drink my tea in happiness.
i have to use a straw :/
yes, i look so cool

Saturday, 25 April 2009

double post, yo.

damn damn damn damn damn
i am the most stupid person in the whole world.
its official
eventhough i have been speaking to them for like, a week now.
infact, i have been speakignt o them for so long, they know more about my current days than my actual friends, and i swear i am losing my knowledge of english literature by the hour.
but anyway, dudeeee.
my spanish students are arriving tomorrow!
and i am not. in one single area. prepared.
i have so much to do.
but i am such a creative mood right now, which i love and i havent had this urge to write, for just. ages. and i want to put it to good use, but i can't because i have 2 fricken spanish people living at my total messed up house tomorrow!
and also kind of woo! this is exciting
and ofcourse, lots of nervous twitching
as always.

your memory a carcass, of everything i've ever owned

so i uploaded loads of my camera stuff
some of it is just hilarious and i want to share it all, but at the same time i really dont cos this wont be a blog anymore it will be just, well, another area to paste pictures.
i love re-visiting all those memories though
moments i had totally forgotten about until now:D
i love it

i have so many memories/picture quotes buzzing around in my head right now
i dont even know where half of them are from, they have just appeared
-i hate photos. photos remind you of what used to be. the memories you hid deep inside you, are dug up once more.
- i dont need photos to remember these beautiful times, but they help to remind me that i'm not dreaming anymore.
- photos are for people that only want to boast of their happiness.
- photos capture the moments you never want to forget, and with times like these, i can't stop myself from wanting to savour them forever.

i feel like a need ot be creative today cos i havent done anything apart froms it around and read magazines
nothing productive at all, but thats what i likeeee

Saturday, 18 April 2009

suffocation and procrastination

sorrryyy for the crappy pic but its effort to actually go get my camera.
these are my new shorts/boxer things and they are luscioussssss.
i want to eat them.
apart from, not raelly cos then they will be gone.
and i will probs have suffocated.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

i've been down this road before

i always seem to begin these things with 'i havent written in ages.'
its stupid cos its not exactly time consuming and as soon as i open these things anything comes spilling out so its not as if im at a loss of what to talk about.

ive been away for a few days though, so i guess that makes everything okay, right? (it totally does xD)

im listening to a bunch of new songs right now. found a dude called joshua radin and holly conlan and i love them both and i am slowlyyyy buying all their songs and its just, gr8.
i love having new songs taht i can just do stuff to. nothing sexual or whatever that just sounded like. just i know all the words to so many of my songs, and now its jsut getting abit annoying tbh.

no photos today cos its effort and im just really, meh.
my aunty is round and i THINK im supposed to be being social but im selfish and i cant be bothered and thats why you have a big family so you dont have to do anything :D