eventful past few days! went to westfield and spent like a gazillion pounds on new clothes which was insanee and actually soso fun so now i just need some exciting places to wear them;D
was supposed to hang out and have chinese food with friends tonight but i had my hpv jab thing today and its actually making me soso tired! got some starbucks and mags and just came home and lazed around instead. ooh, SUCH good shows on atm. new series of gossip girl, peep show, x factor! woww im addicted haha/
firstly gossip girl! OMG INSANE! everyone is so different this year which is wierd but still, oh so amazing. blair is as watchable as ever, this time perfectly matched with bad-boy chuck, who btw, fittest series of him yet? i think soo. lots of topless nate, and the ever eventful georgina has returnedd, plus omg! that final scene of her and dan? AMAZING
not liking serena this year though? i spy bitch. and i wanna see jenny again with long hair!:))
ok soz rambling lolll oops.

pic above is soem of the stuff i bought at westfield that i could find online. most of it is topshop, but the bottom three are hollister and new look:)) sorry its so small, its being retarded and i cant get it to show up large:P