hey i'm back! went to cornwall which was good, eventhough it rained for like 3/4 of the trip :( and then i came home and got my results! at first i was like, maybe its abit rude to post my results on here, but then everyone on facebook was doing it, and i realised how much i love noseying around and seeing what everyone else got, so yeah, i decide to post them:) i got 2 A*s in media and eng lit, 8 A's in art (yesss, all my all-nighters staying up to finish my sketchbook paid off:P), both sciences, eng lang, geog, german, maths + re, and then a B in ict! i was so positive i would rip open the envelope to find 11 D's, so was actually gasping for air when it actually turned out good:) how did you guys all do? :)
also ive defo got hayfever, i sneeze like 40 times a day. not even exagerrating.