Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
#1: get creative and record special moments/thoughts/general life in a scrapbook. i've tried the whole 'diary' thing before and the truth is: i fail. it slowly becomes a chore and i write down stuff not to remember, but to almost 'win.' if that makes sense, which im sure it doesnt, haha.
#2: see my friends more - because this year we'll all split apart, and i really, really dont want to have to let them go.
what are your new years resolutions, guys? Xx
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
flickr fun
+i only made it like 10 mins ago so sorry if its really crap ha
Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Saturday, 12 December 2009
Those sweet temptations
Which envelope your alibis
A soft escape is all I crave
But tell me, please
Just where to lie
These heavy, heavy eyes.
For all I tread
I seem to find,
My racing mind, it hums
To the broken tune
Of me and you.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Sunday, 6 December 2009

Friday, 4 December 2009

too bad shipping to the UK is $50 :'((
i put a pic above of all the stuff i added to my wishlist haha, and its all pretty basic but then i can dress it up or down and use it alot more than the rest of my clothes:)
it was mufti day today woo! everyone proper dressed down in hoodies and jeans which was a nice change cos usually its all lace and bare legs and just, super non-relaxing:}
UPDATE: got my haircut today too:'((
its all sick and short and i just want to cry plz and eat broccoli for every meal until it grows back proper long againnnn
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Friday, 20 November 2009

Friday, 13 November 2009
Thursday, 12 November 2009
the right tights
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Saturday, 7 November 2009
some 'interesting' facts lol

#2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Sunday, 1 November 2009
zac mmm

Thursday, 29 October 2009
go crazy for dem mazes!
they also set up mazes in like, the pitch black and get the workers to hide in it and come stroke your face and grab onto your legs and stuff and its actually so scary, no joke!
well yehh anyway did that tonight and stayed at the park from 10 till 10 so i am shattered to the maxxxx right now and dont really know why im on here ahah:P
oh yehh and while we were queing for the saw ride (woooo lol) someone ripped open this huge cuddly toy and all the tiny polystyrene balls went everywhere so we decided to have a (fake) snow fight:)))
Friday, 16 October 2009
too much to write!

eventful past few days! went to westfield and spent like a gazillion pounds on new clothes which was insanee and actually soso fun so now i just need some exciting places to wear them;D
was supposed to hang out and have chinese food with friends tonight but i had my hpv jab thing today and its actually making me soso tired! got some starbucks and mags and just came home and lazed around instead. ooh, SUCH good shows on atm. new series of gossip girl, peep show, x factor! woww im addicted haha/
firstly gossip girl! OMG INSANE! everyone is so different this year which is wierd but still, oh so amazing. blair is as watchable as ever, this time perfectly matched with bad-boy chuck, who btw, fittest series of him yet? i think soo. lots of topless nate, and the ever eventful georgina has returnedd, plus omg! that final scene of her and dan? AMAZING
not liking serena this year though? i spy bitch. and i wanna see jenny again with long hair!:))
ok soz rambling lolll oops.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Monday, 21 September 2009
come and go
Thursday, 10 September 2009
My heart beat fast against my ribs as I looked out the window. Thick black smoke blanketed the sky; its stench hot in my nose, and its danger dizzying my mind. I closed my eyes and remembered. Relived the beautiful memories that I prayed, prayed with all my heavy heart would not be broken tonight. My mind felt like a movie. Snippets of my lifetime replayed throughout my mind, from stupid things like that time we found the hedgehog in the garden, to moments that I knew I would never forget. Tears pricked at my eyes but I kept them firmly shut. The stairs pounded behind me as I heard dad call my name. His voice was soft, oblivious. I listened to his footsteps warily tread the floor.
“Molly.” He called, and I felt his hand reach out for my shoulder.
“Dad!” I whispered, my voice enveloped in terror. “Look outside.”
Monday, 7 September 2009
is us
perfection; untrue
i'll clean up our mess
but only for you
so hold my hand
step on
lets go
we'll ride the world together
then watch back in slow-mo
this rollercoaster
we live each day
it seperates us
from so far away
and i wish they would only see
that this, right now
is what its meant to be
Sunday, 6 September 2009
kate moss collec

kate moss for topshop cardi aboveeeee
also! i feel as if i dont write properly anymore:( i used to be all like, poems when im sad, stories when im happy but i havent actually written a single thing since like, well i dunno but its been longggggg.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
you had me at hello

the beauuuuuuuutiful matt gray gubler. dunno who that girl is next to him but lets just pretend its me ;D
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
link me up, bitches
starting tomozza, i will start doign this thing properly:)
adddd me on these if you want! i update them waaaaay more often ha
i was gonna add a whole bunch of links to everything, but im more of a stalker than a talker (<- totally just made that up in like 2 seconds, how good) so my twitter and lookbook and everything are abit nothingy and my youtube is just embarrassing haha
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
confidence is the key
funny convo this morn on msn:
K: i have a confession
i went on farmville today
you actual traitor
goodbye our friendship
you're disowned.
wait, is it good??????
K: so good
ME:i might give it a tryyyyy
K: nah too risky, you'll get well obsessed
youre one of those people with the addictive personalities
ME: mmm true
K: its too late for me though
im worried im gonna start waking up at 3am to harvest some wheat
Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Monday, 10 August 2009

aaah this makes me so happy! :D todaaay, on msn today, which is totally gay but i totally still read, appazza twilight won like 8 awards or sumting at the nickelodeon kids choice awards:D and gossip girl won 3 or 4? i totally voted like, every day, so im quite proud of myself tbh:) credit to me for making them win tbh haaaa
Friday, 31 July 2009
mad about madden

Wednesday, 29 July 2009
dead meat
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
and does anyone know if they broadcast 'its on with alexa chung' in england? im totally in love with that show but i feel like some poverty kid without a tv cos i have to watch it all on youtube. which usually means randomers holding their camera up to their tv to film the show. so not exactly the best view of my life.
oooh, and ive got my summer wishlist! actual gimmeeeee
gladiators: £28 miss selfridge, floral sunglasses: £15 topshop, military locket: £9 [SALE!] urban outfitters, floral bag: £25 topshop, sequin zig-zag crop: £13 [SALE!] urban outfitters, totally legit merlin pass: £86, floral playsuit: [TOTALLY SOLD OUTTTT!] ex-dorothy perkinsss booooo!
Sunday, 26 July 2009
alsoo, i was looking around online at her other collections, and how much does the dress in the middle, made by her a few seasons ago, remind you of the dress emma watson wore for the HBP premiere? yeah omg so muchh

i went to wales with my fam which was actually surprisingly goood :D one of the days we went and bought 600 waterbombs and filled them all up for a fight on the beach, but then we ended up just chucking them out our bedroom window and we hit this one guy and he came and knocked on our front door and we had to go apologize (apologise?)
also we had some really dodgy food and we all got like, minor food poisioning so one day i was just like, chucking up everywhereee. even off the side of the boat : i felt like such a pikey its unreal
but apart from that, it was awesome:}}}
Monday, 13 July 2009
blah de blah
i feel kinda sick and defo ate too much ice cream
this week is a total draaag at school. totally pointless, why are we even there?
summer makes me all tingly i am so fricken excited omg
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Thursday, 9 July 2009
the tube line i use for work was down so i had to take some whopper detour around the city and the lid on my water like, flipped up and when i opened my bag there was an actual pond in there and my ipod floating on the top.
oh and today. i left the tap running upstairs by accident and when i got home it was all dripping through the ceiling :
overallllll. not a good day waterwise lols
Monday, 6 July 2009
city sleek

johnny depp top came wooo! and this week(?) has been awesome. work experience wheey! im at some financial advisors firm which is wicked fun and i have so much free time! after work i just end up getting the tube to random places and cos im all on my own i just go explore places ive never even been to before/even heard of. the work is alright too haha,
Sunday, 28 June 2009
lifes good even in black and white
all the pretty things
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Monday, 22 June 2009
slow it down, g mannnn