Wednesday, 16 December 2009


hiii:) i really am never sure whether to post things about what i want/have bought recently cos eventhough the stuff is never majorly expensive, i always feel abit bad that people may think im
being really full of myself or trying to boast etc. well whatev, i decided to post this anyways, but i will just say that im DEFO not getting all of this, i just thought it was kinda interesting and may inspire you for your gifts or give you a better idea of me:))
check the comments section for prices + where to buy stuff!:)


  1. [ mushroom light £6- urban outfitters : bag £32 - topshop : bracelets £5 for 2- accessorize : boots £130 - ugg australia : lipcremes £5 each- bodyshop : gossipgirl s2 £20- amazon : midnight fantasy perfume (around£20)-boots? : pomegranite moisturiser £18- bodyshop : pearl clock watch £26- topshop : BOOKS! : eiffel tee £22?i cant remember and cba to check sozz- topshop : beady-type shoes (cba to look haha)- topshop ]

  2. Awwwhh lovely wish list, i really like the urban outfitters bag. Hopefully you'll get some of them :) Yaay for gossip girl!

  3. Lovely wish list!! I love this kind of post, so go ahead whenever you feel like posting this!! :)

  4. How lovely! I love uggs..And Gossip Girl..And tee.. LOL :D Everything :D
