Sunday, 17 May 2009


yay for morning blogs! yesterday i went crazy over gossip girl, so spent the whole day marathoning season1, and not doing any of my homework. so at midnight i decided i would go to sleep for abit, and then wake-up extra early to do my essay and art. 7 hours later, here i am, and i have finished it all! yeah, i'm amazing.

+gossip girl rant...

also, i had never actually full-on watched the episode where georgina tells the van-der woodsens that eric is gay, and i watched it yesterday and actually cried. i'm at abit of a standstill right now, cos episodes 14,15 and 16 really annoy me. i hate vanessa and georgina/sarah, eric and jenny. and love all the sudden passion outburstssss. OMG! HOW GREAT IS THAT SCENE WHERE BLAIR AND CHUCK GET IT ON IN THE CAB!? THIS SHOW IS INSANE AND I LOVE IT

1 comment:

  1. ahaaaa, your such a spaz who wakes up that early!
